Next SVGMS Official Field Trip

Important! Official Field trips are for Club Members ONLY!

You must have your dues paid and your membership recorded in advance of attending an official field trip.

Please refer to “SVGMS Field Trips News” documents you receive from the club secretary for a description of the current status of field trips and details about upcoming trips.

If you are a club member with paid-up dues and you do not receive the “Field Trip News” document when they are emailed, please contact the secretary at or at a monthly meeting to correct this issue.

This will be the principle way information about field trips are distributed to members, so we want to insure everyone is correctly addressed.

There is an important background document you need to review so you understand the various types of field trip s that may be scheduled. It can be found here:
SVGMS Field Trip Types

SVGMS Field Trip Coordinator

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