November Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society
Meeting date: November 11, 2024
There were 22 members in attendance at the November meeting, with 4 new members. And 2 of them won a door prize! Several members brought red, white and blue minerals/rocks to honor Veterans. Jasper, calcite, and sodalite were among the most popular. Thank you to all our Veterans for serving our country.

Business items:
- In my previous email, I gave information about the mineral donations to JMU, a summary of the new meteorite collection at JMU & shop hours. These included:
- Mike gave a summary of the NEW meteorite collection that was donated to JMU by Richard F. West, faculty emeritus, Dept. of Graduate Psychology. Mike visited it at the grand opening and showed us a few photographs he took. There is one specimen that was collected near Staunton in 1859! There are cases of samples located in the JMU Mineral Museum in the Festival and Conference center. Website for the JMU museum is:
- Debbie noted that she visited the Maine Mineral Museum in Bethel a couple of years ago. This museum houses the largest collection of lunar and Martian meteorites in the world. Debbie actually got to hold a sample from the moon and from Mars! This is one of only a few places in the world where this can happen. The question was asked about how scientists determine where the meteorites originate. Liz (geology professor at JMU) answered that information about composition and age using studies with sophisticated instruments can determine origin. Website for this museum is: Go to the "Discover" tab, and click on meteorites.
- The show committee purchased three mineral specimens that will be donated to and displayed at the JMU Mineral Museum. (In a few months.) The "grand unveiling" occurred at the meeting and photos were taken. The specimens included - Barite from Morocco, Okenite & Calcite on Quartz-lined geode from India, and Stibnite from Wuning Mine, China. See photos, which in no way does justice to their beauty. I'll let you know when they will be available for viewing at JMU.

- Ed Stuart has volunteered to be our field trip leader. The club was asked several questions from Debbie that Ed sent to her. The majority of the club members agreed that trips of 1-3 hours travel time would be feasible; that they would pay a fee if needed; and either Saturday or Sunday trips would work. Ed sent me a list of items he is working on, such as contacting other clubs, gaining information from mines & quarries, as well as private locations. If anyone has any contact information (or other club trips) or suggestions of places - KY, WV, MD, PA, VA, please contact Ed at
- Larry K suggested that we make a donation to the JMU Geology Club for their assistance at the show. Liz noted that the students are supposed to do community service hours as part of their education credits. She also mentioned that there is a lot of red tape involved if we go through the university. The officers will get with Liz and initiate some type of educational donation we could give to the geology department. One of our goals as a club is to endorse education about rocks and minerals to the community. I'll let you know later what the officers decide.
- Jack Glenn & Charlie Rhoads generously and capably run our shop in Waynesboro. (THANK YOU!) More members are utilizing the equipment, leading some parts to wear down. Jack found some equipment and items needed for the shop and asked for permission to purchase them. The total is $2320.22 (which included a sales discount). Karen made a motion to make the purchase; there was a second; the vote was unanimous. Note: this equipment has been received and installed and will be ready for use for the 12/14/24 rock shop session.
- Charlie noted that he and Cindy attended a home school event hosted by Larry at Lost River State Park last summer. The group had students from WV and the Broadway area. They are planning another event in the spring to show cabbing. He asked permission to take the machine from the shop as his machine is too heavy and awkward for traveling. Jack suggested they also use a small portable one that is available. The members agreed to the plan.
Club Officers and Staff 2016-2024
President – Michael Pabst
Vice President – Leo Cloutier
Educational Outreach -- Deborah Grimm
Secretary/Newsletter -- Deborah Grimm
Field Trip Coordinators - TBD
Co-Treasurers – Scott Gregory/Deborah Grimm
Show Team Leaders – Scott Gregory/Jack Glenn
Web Site Coordinator – Jack Glenn
Club web site:
Club Facebook page:
Club email: