January 2016 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society
Meeting date: January 11th, 2016
There were 27 members present. Our President, Michael Pabst, called the meeting to order.
Old Business:
Scott Gregory, our treasurer, is still collecting $10 per family dues for the new year. Most of this money is for insurance purposes for our field trips and maintaining the lapidary equipment in the club’s rock shop. Anotehr portion of it is used in support of the annual SVGMS Gem & Mineral Show.
New Business:
A big thank you to Wayne and Brenda and Karen for the cookies and drinks tonight.
Thank you to Leonard who donated a couple of jewelry items to give as door prizes tonight.
Scott Duresky is starting a “Rock Rappers” group to meet at various times, either at his home, or in the homes of club members who choose to do so. This group will focus on microminerals, but will include informal discussion and learning about minerals in general. Please contact Scott Duresky via email or phone at the address or phone number sent in the club’s emailed minutes, if you're interested or would like more information.
Scott is also developing a “Reference Collection” of minerals that members may peruse at the club meetings.
The next rock shop opening will be February 13th, 2016.
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Program Report:
Mike Pabst presented a wonderful educational program on photographing micro-minerals.
He had a slide presentation to show the equipment he uses, and photos to show the results using various methods of “shooting”.
There are both many types of hardware that can be used, as well as software programs that provide minute details of the minerals.
Examples of hardware items he discussed were – stereo microscopes, Mitutoyo infinite focus lens, telephoto lens, bellows, Luminar lens, microscopes, and LED & halogen lights.
He used photographs to show “stacking” to get a 3D effect, as well as photos at various magnifications and FOVs (field of view).
Mike has been “shooting” minerals for many years, and his expertise was quite apparent!
For those who were unable to attend the meeting, Michael has been gracious enough to provide us with a copy of his presentation, including some stunning specimen photos. This can be accessed from this link. It is a 5 MB PDF file, so please be patient when accessing it.
Thanks, Mike!
If you’d like to present a program, please talk to an officer at a meeting or sign up at this link:
Anyone can sign up to bring snacks for a monthly meeting by clicking this link:
Be sure to keep up with our website www.shenandoahvalleyrockclub.org and our Facebook page Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society for updates and information.
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Volunteers for Refreshments, 2016:
February: TBD <<--NEED A VOLUNTEER!!
July: N/A - Club Picnic
September: TBD <<--NEED A VOLUNTEER!!
November: TBD <<--NEED A VOLUNTEER!!
December: N/A - Club Christmas Dinner
Deborah Grimm, Secretary
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Club Officers and Staff 2016
President – Michael Pabst
Vice President – Leo Cloutier
Show Co-Chairs – Dean Hostetter
Educational Outreach -- Deborah Grimm
Secretary/Newsletter -- Deborah Grimm
Field Trip Coordinator - Dean Hostetter
Treasurer – Scott Gregory
Web Site Coordinator – Jack Glenn
Club web site: www.shenandoahvalleyrockclub.org
Club Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ShenandoahValleyGemMineralSociety
Club email: svgem-min-club@live.com