Login to Members’ Area

Welcome to the SVGMS’ members-only area of the site. Here you will have access to information that is privileged for club members only.

Access information is provided to paid members by the club secretary after verification of current membership status.

In addition to specific information such as field trip details and reminders, there are several input forms to submit club news, new business for the next club meeting, and propose a new web link or resource to include on the web site.

Please feel free to use these tools to contribute to the success and growth or your club.

Click here to log into the members’ area

Navigation notes:

The Site Map at the bottom of the menu above serves as an outline of the site.

In addition, each page has “breadcrumbs” just above the footer to allow you to navigate up to previous levels.

Pasted Graphic 2Some behind-the-scenes pictures regarding how our logo was produced.

...So, it was "flipped" digitally to produce the "right" orientation.

Pasted Graphic 8