Club News

Apparel with an embroidered SVGMS logo is now available! See the Club Apparel page in the
Members’ Area for all the details.

Leo’s Lapidary Lounge rock shop sessions are now being scheduled again. They will be held 9 AM - Noon on the Saturday immediately following a club meeting (whenever in the month that meeting may occur).

Please see the
Events at a Glance page for information on future meeting dates and Rock Shop session schedules.

Most Recent Meeting Minutes

Most Recent Program

Field Trip Reports

News Received From Members

Rocks In The News

EFMLS Newsletters

AFMS Newsletters

Navigation notes:

The Site Map at the bottom of the menu above serves as an outline of the site.

In addition, each page has “breadcrumbs” just above the footer to allow you to navigate up to previous levels.

Pasted Graphic 7Some behind-the-scenes pictures regarding how our logo was produced.

Pasted Graphic 8