August 2015 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society
Meeting date: August 10th, 2015

Note: There are no minutes for the July meeting, as it was the club’s annual picnic.

There were 18 members present. Our Vice President, Leo Cloutier, called the meeting to order.

A big thank you to Charlie Rhoads who provided refreshments. On a sad note, Charlie lost his dad on July 21st. He was 93 years old and leaves behind his wife of over 72 years.

Old Business:
The members were reminded to pick up display cases tonight for the show in September.

There are 18 or so still available with either glass tops (that need to be retrofitted with acrylic panels instead) or no tops. Jack had a cut acrylic panel available for one case.

These tops can be easily switched out and the club will reimburse members for the acrylic materials if they upgrade them.

Any remaining display cases can be picked up at the September meeting. We urge ALL members to dust off your rocks and bring them out for the rest of us to see!

New Business:
1. There is a need for an additional lamp for the Genie cabmaking machine. It was suggested trying out a simple clamp light before purchasing an expensive one.

2. It was noted that perhaps the Genie will need its diamond grinding and sanding wheels replaced in the near future. This may cost between $500 - $600. Scott said that we do have money for them, and that we will be getting more monies from the show. It was suggested that perhaps we have a club auction in the spring to help pay for the shop needs.

3. There is a field trip this Saturday to the Vulcan Quarry, but Dean needs to know by Wednesday who will be going.

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Program Report:
We were greatly impressed with the presentation about how to facet gemstones, given by long time club member Kelly Lane.

Kelly got hooked on this process many years ago, and is quite an expert. He made the process look easy with his step-by-step instructions.

He referenced the book
Facet Cutters Handbook (Edward J. Soukup, 1986), but told us not to follow everything exactly as printed. (It’s an old book, but still may be available with some searching.) For example, he told us that he has ruined many stones by cutting the crown first - he has learned to do the pavilion first.

Here’s a drawing to help illustrate the different components of a faceted stone:

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The work is time consuming and tedious, but with practice, some beautiful faceted stones can be made. By working a few hours a day over several days, and having patience, some really beautiful stones can be completed.

He also explained how to set the stone, and showed us some of his equipment. Kelly displayed several brilliant pieces of jewelry that he has made for his wife.

Kelly said he would like to teach anyone who would like to learn – just ask him.

September: From Dean - We are on schedule for our Annual Gem & Mineral Show on Sept. 18 - 20th at Augusta Expo.

How you can help - we need people who will:
• Volunteer to spread the word about the show
• Have some fun sitting at the entrance door welcoming visitors and telling them about how much fun collecting minerals can be. (We need 2 volunteers for each hour of the show)
• Visit with our vendors and share some “home cookin’’ on our Friday night potluck dinner
• Assist vendors during show – bring them a bottle of water, etc.
• If you like working with kids, help with our “digging area” or donate some mineral treasures for the little ones to find

If you have questions about how to help, contact Dean at Let’s all plan on making this a successful show – many hands make light work!!! Thanks!

October: Open. Perhaps we will have a discussion and some pictures of minerals from the Dixie Mine at Vesuvius Virginia.

November: Scott Duresky will talk to us about the Rutherford Mine, one of the most interesting pegmatite mines in Virginia

If you’d like to present a program, please talk to an officer at a meeting or sign up at this link:

Anyone can sign up to bring snacks for a monthly meeting by clicking this link:

Be sure to keep up with our website and our Facebook page Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society for updates and information.

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Notes from The Rock Shop - July 2015:
The Rock Shop was open for its monthly session on Saturday, July 18th, 2015. Details to follow as time permits.

The next Rock Shop date is Saturday, August 15th, 2015 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. The facility is open to all members and free to use (but we ask for a contribution to the Repairs and Supplies Tip Jar on the central bench if you can make one)


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Volunteers for Refreshments, 2015:
February: Deborah Grimm & Pat Lantz
Jilly Weigel
July: N/A - Club Picnic
December: N/A - Club Christmas Dinner

Deborah Grimm, Secretary

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Club Officers and Staff 2015
President – Michael Pabst
Vice President – Leo Cloutier
Show Co-Chairs – Dean Hostetter
Educational Outreach -- Deborah Grimm
Secretary/Newsletter -- Deborah Grimm
Field Trip Coordinator - Dean Hostetter
Treasurer – Scott Gregory
Web Site Coordinator – Jack Glenn

Club web site:
Club Facebook page:
Club email:

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