December Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society
Meeting date: December 9, 2024
31 members (including 2 new members & 2 guests) had a wonderful time at our December Christmas party. Gifts were exchanged, great discussions were held & a plethora of delicious food items were enjoyed. Thanks to everyone who helped set up, bring food, and clean up afterwards.
We had several business items:
- President Mike Pabst announced he will retire from his duties next year. He asked for volunteers to replace him. Cindy Schroer stated she would be willing to shadow him in 2025. The club voted to approve the slate of officers for the upcoming year
- President: Mike Pabst
- President-Elect: Cindy Schroer
- Vice President Emeritus: Leo Clotier
- Co-treasurers: Scott Gregory & Debbie Grimm
- Secretary: Debbie Grimm
- Field Trip Coordinator: Ed Stuart
- Jack Glenn will continue to be our internet guru
- Scott and Jack will continue as our Show Chairmen
- Mike asked for & received approval to donate $600 to the Bridgewater Baptist Church for their generosity in allowing us to use their social hall for our meetings. Kelly Lane accepted the check for the church.
- Ed Stuart has already been working on gathering information for field trips. He has been in contact with Gary Ochsenbein from Vesuvius for a unakite collecting trip in March or April. He is also working on trips to one of the Frazier Quarries in Rockingham County & with the folks at Graves Mountain for a trip to Rose River. Ed is also checking out Cedar Mountain Stone in Culpeper county. Thanks Ed for volunteering to be our leader! {I'll send out trip details when I get them.}
- Jack Glenn gave an update on the machinery at the shop. He and Charlie managed to lift the newly arrived 130 pound wet belt sander & put it in the shop. Jack built a stand for it and they have it up and running. Charlie got the replacement wheels on the Genie cabbing machine and one of the wheels on a Titan. Jack also purchased some oil, hand cleaner, grease and small tools for use in the shop. He received a reimbursement check for these items. Thank you both for all you do at the shop!
The most exciting part of our meeting was the announcement of designated honorees for our mineral donations to JMU. These specimens are temporarily displayed in the EnGeo building 3rd floor at JMU. Next semester, they will be moved to the JMU Mineral Museum for display. Each honoree received a certificate with a photo of the mineral and its name and source.
Mike presented a certificate to Jim and Lori Herrick in memory of Mike Herrick. A specimen of okenite with calcite in a quartz-lined geode from India was donated in his memory.

Leo Cloutier will receive a certificate at a later date. {Leo is our only remaining charter member who resides in a nursing home and is 96}. A specimen of stibnite from China was donated in his honor.

Charlie Rhoads was very surprised to receive a certificate to honor all the work he has done for the club over many years. A specimen of blue barite from Morocco was donated in his honor.

Your annual $10 dues for an individual or a family may be brought to any meeting or send a check written to SVGMS and mailed to: SVGMS Box 324 Waynesboro, VA 22980. {Most clubs charge by person and can be as high as $25; we are a bargain!}
A member, Eleanor Matano, emailed me that she has a collection of Rock and Gem magazines from 2016-2022 that she would like to donate to someone (or to the club). She lives near Crozet & could meet you if you want them. See contact information in the secretary’s email of 12/16/2024.
Club Officers and Staff 2016-2025
President – Michael Pabst
President-Elect: Cynthia Schroer
Vice President Emeritus– Leo Cloutier
Educational Outreach -- Deborah Grimm
Secretary/Newsletter -- Deborah Grimm
Field Trip Coordinator - Ed Stuart
Co-Treasurers – Scott Gregory/Deborah Grimm
Show Team Leaders – Scott Gregory/Jack Glenn
Web Site Coordinator – Jack Glenn
Club web site:
Club Facebook page:
Club email: